Long Term Live-in Care | Able Community Care
Live-in careAble Community CareTypes of CareKHM Group

A Live-In Respite Carer can offer a much-needed break from caring. Most people being cared for in their homes are cared for by husbands, wives, sons, daughters or close relatives, who give up their time and often their jobs to care for their loved ones.
Caring for a loved one often means the carer has to juggle time every day between providing full-time hands-on care to one or more people while still providing for their own home and work situation. For most people, it is second nature, but it can become exhausting and debilitating, eventually having a negative impact on the informal carer's health. When their own health suffers, their ability to care as they would wish is likely to diminish, too.
Sometimes, a week away can make all the difference. Taking a break gives the opportunity to revitalise, relax, and recharge the batteries. It allows the carer to come back to the role refreshed and better able to manage, so both the carer and the cared for will benefit from the period of respite.
A short-term care respite package must be appropriate, safe, and secure for family members and carers providing care for a person with high dependency care needs. It must offer peace of mind and enable them to have a relaxing, worry-free break or holiday.
Able Community Care recognises that for a devoted family carer to have a week or two away, they need to know that their loved one is safe and properly looked after.
Perhaps the person being cared for has recently received emergency care, or come home following hospital discharge. Our home care services can offer that extra care needed at a difficult time. Please call us on 01603 764567 to find out more.
Able Community Care can provide a carer for a respite service that offers 24-hour care in the comfort and familiar surroundings of your own home.
Respite care can also be provided when the carer is unable to provide care for a short period, perhaps because of illness or other commitments, such as work or jury duty. When this occurs, short-term respite care from a live-in carer allows them the time off they need before returning to their caring role.
Live-in carers from Able Community Care will carry out domestic work in the home, assist with personal care, and provide companionship in the carer’s absence. This service is truly personal, tailored to the needs of each individual and their home.
Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.
Able Community Care has been providing Live-in Respite Care to families and their loved ones since 1980 and we provide for many families on a regular basis throughout the year.
Our Live-in Respite Care packages are available throughout England, Scotland, Wales and the Channel Islands.
All our live-in carers have at least one year’s professional care experience and have under gone enhanced police checks, which are updated every three years. Many of our carers have been with Able Community Care in excess of 10 years.
We are able to offer this service on a planned basis for short periods from seven days to no more than three months.
Our Live-in Respite Care service provides the same standards and quality of care as our Long-term Live-in Care service.
If you would like to know more about Live-in Respite Care, please contact us on 01603 764567 or email us at info@ablecommunitycare.com