Angela Gifford founded Able Community Care in 1980 and still owns the company today as our Managing Director.
In 1980 Angela Gifford had one or two conversations with older relatives and friends and they raised the issue that if they needed to be cared for in the coming years, there was very little choice. It seemed that if you needed significant care support then you had to move into a residential care setting.
One relative in particular had spent all her married life in the home her husband had built and was adamant that she would not move out.
Thinking about this over a few months and doing some research to find out exactly what was available, Angela too came to the conclusion that there was very little choice if you wanted to re living in your home of choice, your own.
Since 1980, Able Community Care has enabled thousands of older people and people with disabilities to remain living in their own home with Live-in Carers whom they have chosen.
Each client has a named care manager. The service operates 24 hours a day and care is provided nationwide and further afield.
In the last five years the service has extended to provide:
Able Community Care is a family company and is still owned and managed by Angela Gifford.
As a result, in September 1980, Angela launched her long-term Able Community Care Live-in Carer Service.
The idea was to offer experienced housekeeper/carers who would move into a person’s home and provide support for the domestic work in the home, assist with personal care needs and provide security and companionship. The housekeeper/carers would stay for fortnightly periods after which, a second housekeeper/carer would move in.
The objective was that each person needing care would begin to choose the carers they were comfortable with, carers who were providing appropriate support and whom they would like to return to them on a rotational system. After a three month trial, evidence showed that professional relationships were beginning to form and both clients and care staff expressed satisfaction with the arrangements, the Live-in Carer Service was then officially launched.
If you would like to know more about Able Community Care, please contact us on 01603 764567 or email us at info@ablecommunitycare.com
Angela Gifford founded Able Community Care in 1980 and still owns the company today as our Managing Director.
Judith is our General Manager and joined Able Community Care in 2005. Judith is responsible for day to day running of Able Community Care and will be the person to speak with if you have any queries or concerns.
Judith is our General Manager and joined Able Community Care in 2005. Judith is responsible for day to day running of Able Community Care and will be the person to speak with if you have any queries or concerns.
Kate joined Able Community Care in 2008 as an admin assistant working part time. In 2015 Kate took over the role of Care Manager covering East Anglia and the Midlands becoming a full-time member of our team.
Andy is the Care Manager whose clients are living in Wales, Scotland, South West England and Channel Islands. He often travels across the UK visiting clients and carers.
Andy is the Care Manager whose clients are living in Wales, Scotland, South West England and the Channel Islands. He often travels across the UK, visiting clients and carers.
Karen serves as the Care Manager for Able Community Care, having joined the organization in 2022. Her clientele resides in Southern England and the Midlands. Karen frequently travels throughout the UK to visit both clients and caregivers.
Chris, our Business Development Manager, is based in the South of England. He originally joined Able Community Care as a Care Manager in 2005 after working with adults with learning disabilities. Chris carries out client assessments and carer interviews across the South of England.
Chris, our Business Development Manager, is based in the South of England. He originally joined Able Community Care as a Care Manager in 2005 after working with adults with learning disabilities. Chris carries out client assessments and carer interviews across the South of England.
Tina joined Able Community Care in 2016 to aide Rachel in the finance department. Since then Tina’s role has expanded to take in marketing and monitoring. Tina works part-time Tuesday to Thursday and is also responsible for booking our presentations to local groups.
Tina joined Able Community Care in 2016 to aide Rachel in the finance department. Since then Tina’s role has expanded to take in marketing and monitoring. Tina works part-time Tuesday to Thursday and is also responsible for booking our presentations to local groups.