Long Term Live-in Care | Able Community Care
Live-in careAble Community CareTypes of CareKHM Group

Live-In Care in The Channel Islands with Able Community Care providing Live-in Carer services for over twenty years. Our services were known and respected in mainland UK, and we were approached to see if it was possible to provide a Live-in Carer Service in Jersey and the other Channel Islands. We offer this service as a true alternative for the people of the channel isles who did not wish to move into a residential care setting. (Since then we have also enabled individuals to move from a care home back to their own home).
Able Community Care is registered to provide Live-in Carer Services on the Island of Jersey as authorised by the Jersey Care Commission.
Our Care Manager for The Channel Isles is Andrew and he is available to call Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm, on 01603 764567
A Care Manager is available to contact 24 hours a day 7 days a week including all bank holidays. This is not a call centre, but our dedicated team members on a 24-hour duty rotor
Most care packages in the UK run on a fortnightly change of live-in care workers, but due to the expense of travel to the Islands and the time taken to travel, the care services in The Channel Islands run on a four-weekly changeover basis with care workers travelling by plane or ferry. The intention of our Carer Service is for the recipients of care to feel comfortable, happy and supported in their own homes and to have a system of rotational care workers whom they have chosen.
Our In-Home Care Service provides support with domestic care personal care and, offers companionship, and facilitates social activities. Every person we care for is an individual and has a different ‘job description’ from anyone else. A personal visit from us, to answer questions and to begin to get to know a person needing care enables our Care Managers to introduce the most appropriate care workers into your home. We have provided our live-in care service in Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey and currently are providing support to clients for whom we have been caring for, for over ten years.
All our care workers have at least one year’s provable care experience, and all carers are personally interviewed. All references are positively confirmed. Each care worker must update training regularly and all DBS certification is in place.
Able Community Care was started by Angela Gifford in 1980, and she still owns and manages the company. It is a family company, and four members of her family have also been staff members.
Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.