Live-In Home from Hospital Care

Disabled lady in art gallery

Our Live-In Home from Hospital Care service can provide an essential service, when you need it most.

Current pressures on the NHS mean many people are discharged from hospital too early and return home without the appropriate care arrangements in place.

For a long time convalescent homes provided the in-between care, enabling patients to recover properly before going home to resume their lives. The transition period between a stay in hospital and returning home from hospital would help build up independence, aid recuperation and enable care staff to monitor the recovery process. The patient would return home safely and confidently after one or two weeks.

Sadly, convalescent homes have now almost disappeared and the consequence is the increasing trend for hospital re-admissions. National statistics show, especially where older patients are concerned, that re-admission figures are high with many having to return to hospital within a month.

Able Community Care can provide convalescent care at home through our Live-in Home from Hospital care service. Upon leaving the hospital, we will provide a live-in care service to help support convalescence, recovery and rehabilitation with the purpose of getting back to a normal level of independence.

The benefits of our service

  • help with all domestic duties in the home, such as general cleaning, laundry, shopping, preparing meals, etc.

  • Help with personal care, bathing, showering and dressing.

  • A live-in carer removes the risk of the person being on their own in the early days of recovery and provides companionship.

  • A live-in carer can assist and work with physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers, community nursing and all members of your care team, helping make a safe and stable return to good health.

  • Helping you to gradually recover your social life. For example, by accompanying you to go shopping, attend local events, to visit a favourite restaurant or resume attendance at a local group.
Disabled man with live-in carer

Interested in our services?

Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.

Live-in care discussions

The costs of our service

The Home from Hospital care service cost is from £1400 per week inclusive. We act as agents by default (UK Mainland) or from £1,750 per week (Channel Isles), inclusive of everything except the carer's food and board. Again we act as agents by default.

If you would like to know more about our Live-in Home from Hospital Care service, please contact us on 01603 764567 or email us at

Costs and Funding

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