Long Term Live-in Care | Able Community Care
Live-in careAble Community CareTypes of CareKHM Group

Live-in Care in Scotland with Able Community Care since the late 1990s and our clients range in age from early twenties to late nineties and live in various locations in Scotland.
From a client of seventeen years the following comment: - I receive a consistently high level of service.
From a client of fifteen years the following comment: - I have never experienced an emergency within my continuous care package.
From a client of twelve months, when we asked for any ideas as to how we could improve our service answered: - None, everything works well*
For all potential long-term clients, before offering our Live-in Care Service, we visit to see if we are an appropriate care provider for the care needs of the person involved and to answer any questions they, their families or other care professionals may have.
In a trip to a potential Scottish client in 2017, one Care Manager made this first visit to meet with the prospective client and his family and traveled by car, plane, train, bus, and taxi to reach the person’s home then repeated the travel arrangements later that evening to get back to Norfolk. This visit, like all our visits, was free of charge.
Our Live-in Carers provide domestic support, assist with personal care, and offer companionship, and everyone’s "job description" is different from any other person we provide care for.
Part of a Live-in Carers role is to provide freshly cooked meals and Scotland has food products that will be on many a Scottish client’s menu such as Scottish Salmon, Shortbread, Porridge, and possibly Haggis.
Not only do the carers shop for the client they of course when possible take can take the client out to do the shopping together, and from there the possibilities unfold, e.g. visiting family or friends, afternoon tea with friends, cinema, clubs, church and much more.
Our continuously managed and high-quality training for our live-in carers maintains the essential skills that are up-to-date and meet the highest professional care standards.Able Community Care – Nationwide, Live-in Care Provider since 1980. Andy Thorpe – Care Manager for Scotland
Our Live-in Carers all have a minimum of one year’s professional experience, and most of our Carers have been with Able Community Care for over five years. Many have been working through Able Community Care for over twenty years.
In addition to providing our long-term care packages, we also offer Planned Respite Care, Home from Hospital Care, and for disabled and older people who would like to go on holiday but need care support, we offer our Holiday Care Companion Service.
including all mainland and Scottish Isles
For a brochure available to download as a PDF on any of our care services, including our Client Brochure - Home From Hospital Care - Respite Care - Holiday Companion Care
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