Long Term Live-in Care | Able Community Care
Live-in careAble Community CareTypes of CareKHM Group

Able Community Care has been providing Live-in Care in Merseyside since 1980 and has enabled thousands of older people to remain living in their own home. Merseyside has a population of 1.38 million people many of whom will need care support now or in the future.
Merseyside, despite having the large city of Liverpool and other areas of the population such as Birkenhead, Formby, Southport and St. Helens, also has many rural areas with smaller towns and villages. If you are a person with a disability or age-related health problems and you need care support wherever you live, it becomes a choice between moving into a residential care home or staying in your own home.
If you have a need for high dependency care, care is needed throughout the day and perhaps during the night, then an hourly care support service will not provide the support you need, this is where a Live-in Carer Service can provide not only the care necessary but also companionship and a safe environment.
Thelma is one such person, now in her nineties, Thelma had a couple of falls and had been diagnosed with old age dementia. No longer safe to remain living in her own home without care 24/7 the choice was to see if a live-in care service could prevent Thelma from going into a care home which was not hers or her family’s choice. A Care Manager from Able Community Care went and met Thelma, her family member and an advocate chosen by her family to see if we could help. As a result of this meeting, Thelma and her family agreed to try our Live-in Care Service. Thelma was introduced to her first carer, followed by a second and a third carer, all of whom lived with Thelma for a 14-day period. In Thelma’s home, they cared for her on a personal level, gave companionship and carried out all the domestic tasks in Thelma’s home. Thelma now has a rotation system of regular, Live-in Carers from Able Community Care, a service which has been continuous from the first day. All carers from Able Community Care have a minimum of one year’s professional experience. We send for and verify all potential carers references, ensure they have an up to date DBS and all carers regularly refresh their care training. In addition to providing our Live-in Care services throughout Merseyside.
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