Live-In Care in Cambridge

Live-In Care in Cambridge.

Able Community Care first began providing Live-in Care in Cambridge and Cambridgeshire during the 1980s.

Since then, we have provided Live-in Care Services to clients who need support as a result of having Alzheimer’s, MS, Cerebral Palsy, Motor Neurone Disease or need care support as a result of getting older.

Introducing Live-in Care Manager kate.

kate is the Care Manager for the Counties of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, and Lincolnshire.

she has been with Able Community Care for 12 years and knows all her clients and many of their family members.

If you would like to ask Kate about how Live-in Care Support works, how much it costs or the availability, give Kate a call no obligation on 01603 764567.

Able Community Care has provided a genuine alternative to moving into a residential care setting since 1980.

Our First Client.

Our first client was an older lady who, as part of her job description, wanted a car driver so she could visit an elderly friend in a care home in a village several miles away. (Nan had been made to give up driving as a result of declining eyesight).

Our Live-in Care packages.

Our Live-in Care packages are provided by our carers, who offer a combination of personal care support, domestic support and social companionship, according to the wishes of the person we care for and their families or advocates.

Having the opportunity to go out, whether it is for shopping or to reconnect with interests once held or having the ability to resume a hobby, makes life more enjoyable. Cambridgeshire has a wealth of places to go to re-kindle interests. The National Trust has both properties and gardens to visit, and there are museums such as The Fitzwilliam in Cambridge and The Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Newmarket, the home of Racing plus many lovely towns and villages which are wheelchair friendly.

Part of the role of our live-in carers is to cook meals from fresh food and to shop locally where possible. There are many ‘Cambridgeshire’ recipes handed down from generations of families who lived in the County, and they may well be asked to cook College Pudding, Lent Pie of Fillet of Pork Dumpling.

Live-in Care Objectives.

It is our objective to provide each person we care for with a rotational system of live-in carers whom they have chosen. Fulfilling the objective means that we provide care for people, which runs into many years, always without breaks in service.

In addition to providing our Live-in Care services around the County, we are also able to provide Home from Hospital Care, Respite Care and Holiday Companion Care, where the carer will accompany Cambridgeshire people who need care on holidays of their choice.

Interested in our services?

Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.

What we offer

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            [summary] => Live-In Care in Cambridge. Able Community Care first began providing Live-in Care Services in Cambridgeshire during the 1980’s. Call us now on 01603 764567 
            [maintext] => 

Live-In Care in Cambridge.

Able Community Care first began providing Live-in Care in Cambridge and Cambridgeshire during the 1980s.

Since then, we have provided Live-in Care Services to clients who need support as a result of having Alzheimer’s, MS, Cerebral Palsy, Motor Neurone Disease or need care support as a result of getting older.

Introducing Live-in Care Manager kate.

kate is the Care Manager for the Counties of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, and Lincolnshire.

she has been with Able Community Care for 12 years and knows all her clients and many of their family members.

If you would like to ask Kate about how Live-in Care Support works, how much it costs or the availability, give Kate a call no obligation on 01603 764567.

Able Community Care has provided a genuine alternative to moving into a residential care setting since 1980.

Our First Client.

Our first client was an older lady who, as part of her job description, wanted a car driver so she could visit an elderly friend in a care home in a village several miles away. (Nan had been made to give up driving as a result of declining eyesight).

Our Live-in Care packages.

Our Live-in Care packages are provided by our carers, who offer a combination of personal care support, domestic support and social companionship, according to the wishes of the person we care for and their families or advocates.

Having the opportunity to go out, whether it is for shopping or to reconnect with interests once held or having the ability to resume a hobby, makes life more enjoyable. Cambridgeshire has a wealth of places to go to re-kindle interests. The National Trust has both properties and gardens to visit, and there are museums such as The Fitzwilliam in Cambridge and The Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Newmarket, the home of Racing plus many lovely towns and villages which are wheelchair friendly.

Part of the role of our live-in carers is to cook meals from fresh food and to shop locally where possible. There are many ‘Cambridgeshire’ recipes handed down from generations of families who lived in the County, and they may well be asked to cook College Pudding, Lent Pie of Fillet of Pork Dumpling.

Live-in Care Objectives.

It is our objective to provide each person we care for with a rotational system of live-in carers whom they have chosen. Fulfilling the objective means that we provide care for people, which runs into many years, always without breaks in service.

In addition to providing our Live-in Care services around the County, we are also able to provide Home from Hospital Care, Respite Care and Holiday Companion Care, where the carer will accompany Cambridgeshire people who need care on holidays of their choice.

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