Live-In Care Dorset

Live-In Care in Dorset.

Able Community Care began Live-In Care in Dorset in 1980.

We provide Live-in Home Care Services, which are a true alternative for people who do not wish to be cared for in a residential care home.

Having continuous care means that you maintain the choices about how you live. Choices in the simple things that we all take for granted that hourly or ‘pop-in’ care will not provide.

Live-in continuous care services provide comprehensive support for people who are unable to carry out much of the domestic work they used to do, the laundry, shopping, food preparation, cleaning the house and other related tasks.

24-hour care services offer support with personal care and provide companionship, plus the security of knowing that another person is in the house with you.

Why Live-in Care.

For example, what time you get up, require support with personal hygiene, like your mid-morning coffee, your lunch, opportunities to go out, to shop with support, or just have someone make a cake and a pot of tea when friends come to visit. Where if possible can also accompany on visits to friends and family taking the most of opportunities to get out.  More than a carer but a companion.

Our First Live-in Care Dorset Client.

The first client of Able Community Care in Dorset was in the 1980s. Edith, an older lady, who had spent some time in her local hospital and wanted to return and remain living in her own home in Sherborne. Edith was frail, anxious and had no close family nearby. Our support enabled her to achieve her wish.

Other clients then followed in Bournemouth, Poole and surrounding towns and villages.

Carer Selection.

Able Community Care personally interviews all Live-in Carer applicants who must have at least one year’s provable care experience before their application is processed. Prior to the interview, we write for references and upon receipt, telephone verify every single one without exception. Interviews are carried out by our Recruitment Manager, who has been with the company for more than ten years or a colleague who has spent many years in the care sector.

What Services are offered?

In Dorset, we offer 1-2-1 care for people who require support because of dementia. We also care for people who require support because of a range of health or disability problems, including Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Spinal Injury, Brain Injury, after-stroke care, or terminal illness.

Short-Term Care.

In addition to our long-term care schemes, we also provide Planned Respite Care for families who are caring themselves but need a break, Home from Hospital care based on convalescent care and our latest care support Holiday Companion Care for people who want to holiday but need care support to do so.


    Live In Care Bournemouth

    Live In Care Dorchester 

    Live In Care Shaftesbury 

    Live In Care Verwood

    Live In Care Bridport

    Live In Care Ferndown 

    Live In Care Sherborne 

    Live In Care Weymouth

    Live In Care Christchurch

    Live In Care Poole

    Live In Care Swanage

    Live In Care Wimborne Minster

Interested in our services?

Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.

What we offer

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            [summary] =>  Live-in Care Dorset, home care services since 1980. Call us now on 01603 764567 for more information.
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Live-In Care in Dorset.

Able Community Care began Live-In Care in Dorset in 1980.

We provide Live-in Home Care Services, which are a true alternative for people who do not wish to be cared for in a residential care home.

Having continuous care means that you maintain the choices about how you live. Choices in the simple things that we all take for granted that hourly or ‘pop-in’ care will not provide.

Live-in continuous care services provide comprehensive support for people who are unable to carry out much of the domestic work they used to do, the laundry, shopping, food preparation, cleaning the house and other related tasks.

24-hour care services offer support with personal care and provide companionship, plus the security of knowing that another person is in the house with you.

Why Live-in Care.

For example, what time you get up, require support with personal hygiene, like your mid-morning coffee, your lunch, opportunities to go out, to shop with support, or just have someone make a cake and a pot of tea when friends come to visit. Where if possible can also accompany on visits to friends and family taking the most of opportunities to get out.  More than a carer but a companion.

Our First Live-in Care Dorset Client.

The first client of Able Community Care in Dorset was in the 1980s. Edith, an older lady, who had spent some time in her local hospital and wanted to return and remain living in her own home in Sherborne. Edith was frail, anxious and had no close family nearby. Our support enabled her to achieve her wish.

Other clients then followed in Bournemouth, Poole and surrounding towns and villages.

Carer Selection.

Able Community Care personally interviews all Live-in Carer applicants who must have at least one year’s provable care experience before their application is processed. Prior to the interview, we write for references and upon receipt, telephone verify every single one without exception. Interviews are carried out by our Recruitment Manager, who has been with the company for more than ten years or a colleague who has spent many years in the care sector.

What Services are offered?

In Dorset, we offer 1-2-1 care for people who require support because of dementia. We also care for people who require support because of a range of health or disability problems, including Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Spinal Injury, Brain Injury, after-stroke care, or terminal illness.

Short-Term Care.

In addition to our long-term care schemes, we also provide Planned Respite Care for families who are caring themselves but need a break, Home from Hospital care based on convalescent care and our latest care support Holiday Companion Care for people who want to holiday but need care support to do so.


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