Home Care Services – A Telephone Call Received in 2021

03 April 2021

The phone rang and the lady introduced herself as in her 70’s with an older brother and sister-in-law who wanted to stay

  A Telephone Call Received in 2021 by Able Community Care.

The phone rang and the lady introduced herself as in her 70’s with an older brother and sister-in-law who wanted to stay in their own home but were finding it difficult to do so. The reason being that both now needed care support and were currently unable to achieve their wish.
As an emergency measure the couple, aged 84 and 90 had moved into a care home.

The couple, having no children of their own, the lady on the phone had almost been given the responsibility to get her relatives safely home and cared for. Her ‘job’ was complicated in that she lived in another County and due to the pandemic could not even visit them. Consequently, she was worried and looking for help.

One problem was that they would be self-funding and although Social Services had assessed them as being able to go home, they had left them to make their own arrangements.
The care home was helpful, but they would not actually, arrange a home care package and the whole situation was being hampered by Covid-19.
The caller wanted to know, where did she start to find a solution? Information was needed so she could speak with her brother, have answers to his questions while all the time, knowing that she knew very little about finding appropriate, affordable, and available home care.

Able Community Care could help.

Over a couple of further phone calls, we were able to offer directions about what was available in the area in which her brother’s home was located, the financial costs of various services that would be available, what to expect of a home care agency with reference to care workers qualifications, experience, and statutory checks.

Wanting to keep her brother informed we could arrange for information brochures to be sent directly to him and his wife in their care home.

Live-in Care Throughout the U.K

Able Community Care provides live-in care support throughout the UK and has been offering this service for more than four decades. We have always believed that for individuals and families to make decisions about something as personal as care support then information is the power that gives the opportunity to make decisions that are right for the person needing the support.
We are happy to answer any questions about our 24/7 care provision and we are also happy to try and provide answers about other home care options because of our wide knowledge acquired over 40 years.
Call us on 01603 764567.

Email to info@ablecommunitycare.com

Further details for Download a brochure, Funding.
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